Expanded Shale in New Construction Allows Radon Gas to Escape

Radon gas is a naturally occurring radioactive substance that can accumulate at dangerous levels in homes that have been built on ground that is unable to breathe. About 10-15 years ago, BC health officials and the University of BC searched for high radon levels in the province. Those studies identified elevated readings in Clearwater, Barriere, Castlegar, Prince George and the Okanagan. 

Placing a 2" layer of Expanded Shale or another lightweight porous aggregate under the foundation of new homes would allow for radon gas to escape and thus reducing the homeowner's chance of being exposed to this deadly gas that has been found in thousands of BC homes.  Radon gas is described by health officials as a quiet killer and the leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.  Read more about Radon Gas in BC